Saturday 12 July 2008

Recommended Read Nos. 2

Another book I got to read while on holiday was this one. I heard about this book on Joshua Harris' blog. Given the subject matter it was put on my must read list.
When I began to read this I wasn't too sure of what to expect. The two authors take every other chapter writing about their views of the "emergent church". And this style does help. Kevin being a Pastor writes from a pastoral point of view, while Ted writes from a journalistic perspective. The reason that this helps is that after you read a more theological essay (Kevin) you can then meditate over it while reading a lighter one (Ted).
The two guys do come at this with a very even handed perspective. They prove so many people in the "emergent church" wrong from a biblical stand point without being too scathing.
My favourite chapter of the whole book was "Chapter 9- Jesus: Bring of Peace, Bearer of Wrath." by Kevin. For a person looking to find out about the "emergent church" this is a must read. It is biblically based and God, Christ and Cross centred.

1 comment:

Boaly said...

Hey Jonny, welcome to the blogosphere by the way!
Everytime I hear of this book I keep promising to get it.